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Send SMS direkte fra Outlook. Send beskeder til lister fra Outlook.
Send SMS fra Outlooks kalender.
Hvad er Outlook?
Outlook er en omfattende e-mail- og kalenderapplikation udviklet af Microsoft, som bruges af både enkeltpersoner og virksomheder til at håndtere e-mails, kalendere, opgaver og kontakter. Vores integration gør det muligt at sende SMS direkte fra Outlook, hvilket giver en nem og effektiv måde at kommunikere hurtigt og pålideligt uden at skulle forlade din indbakke.
SMS2Outlook Add-in
I SureSMS har vi lavet et Add-in til Outlook, så du hurtigt og nemt kan sende SMS direkte fra din Outlook. Brug dine Outlook kontakter, når du skal sende SMS til klienter, brugere og kunder. Med SureSMS add-in får du også mulighed for at gemme og dermed journalisere beskederne.
Download og installer vores Outlook plugin her fra hjemmesiden. Plugin og abonnement er GRATIS, og du betaler kun pr. afsendt SMS efter gældende takst. Se vores SMS Gateway prices here.
Download Add-in
Download add-inet herunder til almindelig Outlook eller til Citrix/Terminal Server.
Download SureSMS Outlook Add-in Version 2.9
From this link you can download our SureSMS SMS add-in directly to your computer. This add-in makes it quick - and very, very easy - to send SMS from Outlook.
- The add-in/our plugin works for Outlook 2013 and up
- Add-in'et virker ikke i "Den nye Outlook"
- Hvis du tilgår Outlook via Terminal Server eller Citrix løsninger skal du bruge download i næste afsnit.
It works whether you use Office 365 or your own Exchange server.
Funktioner i SMS2Outlook
Send SMS via contacts and groups in Outlook
Our SMS Add-in is developed specifically for Outlook with the standards that Microsoft requires of their Add-ins. This means that with a quick installation of our plugin, you will have the functionality built into your Outlook menu. Via a SureSMS menu in your top bar, you can send SMS and group SMS directly to your existing contacts or add new ones. Simply enter your contact name or phone number, type the message and hit send.
An SMS can be up to 160 characters (set by the telecom companies), but from our SMS sender you can send up to 800 characters. If the message is longer, it will be correspondingly more expensive, just like from your regular phone.
Documentation and Journaling
When you send SMS from your Outlook client via SureSMS, we have made sure that your messages are automatically saved. Under settings, you can decide which folder the SMS messages are saved in, and any journaling system can retrieve the messages from the folder.
This means that, just like your other communication, they can be logged and retrieved when documentation is needed at a later date. This fulfills the obligation to keep records, which applies to all public and municipal institutions.
Select Sender ID
With our new SMS to Outlook Version 1.4, there are several new options for selecting a sender ID. You can now send from your own mobile number and receive replies on your mobile for free. If you want to receive replies in your Outlook so that it can be documented later, you need a 2-way SMS Solution from us. It's quick and easy to set up. See the prices on our SMS Solutions here. Last but not least, you can choose to send from your company name. This can be of great value to companies or organizations for branding or campaigns. If you want multiple sender IDs, please contact us. For security reasons, our users cannot create new ones themselves, but we can do it in minutes.
2-way solution
When you create a test account at the top of this page, you will receive 50 free messages to test. Unfortunately, in the test version, it is not possible to receive SMS messages. Call us to learn more about the options for receiving SMS messages.
Sådan installere du SMS2Outlook
Installing our Add-in for Outlook is easy. Just follow these simple instructions.
Should you want more detailed guidance, see the full description on our Manualsitewhere we have detailed descriptions and guides for all our features.
Install SureSMS for Outlook
- Download our plugin via the link at the top of this page.
- Install the program
- Open your Outlook. You will see a screen like the one on the left.
- Fill in the login information.
- If you don't have an account yet, you can get one by following the blue link on your login screen.
Send SMS from Outlook
Once you have installed our Add-in, you will see a new icon group to the right in your menu, like the one you see in the image here.
Then just type in the number, the message and hit send.
You can type +46 and then the number if you want to send to e.g. Sweden, but if you want to send to Denmark, just set the country code on the setup screen and the system will automatically add the country code.
Undgå deaktivering af SMS2Oulook
Ind i mellem kan man opleve, at Outlook de-aktivere SMS2Outlook. Det kan ske af forskellige årsager. Herunder kan du læse hvordan du kan aktivere SMS2Outlook igen, og undgå at det bliver de-aktiveret igen.
Aktivering af add-in'et igen
Først skal du genaktivere add-in'et igen. Der er en fin vejledning til hvordan man gør dette her : Genaktivering af Add-in
Slå automatisk de-aktivering fra
Outlook deaktiverer nogle gange add-ins, hvis den tror, at et add-in forstyrrer Outlooks funktionalitet. I nogle tilfælde har add-inet ikke skylden skylden. Outlook kan være for aggressiv her.
Bemærk: Hvis et add-in allerede er deaktiveret, finder du instruktioner om, hvordan du genaktiverer et deaktiveret Outlook add-in her.
Hvis du er afhængig af nogle add-ins, og det er vigtigt for dig at tvinge dem til at forblive aktiverede, skal du følge disse instruktioner for at forhindre, at Outlook deaktiverer add-ins.
Der er to måder at opnå dette på:
Hvis du er systemadministrator, skal du bruge gruppepolitikken.
Download Microsoft Office ADMX-skabeloner og brug en gruppepolitik til at konfigurere indstillingerne. Politiknavnet er "List of managed add-ins". Det er placeret under "Administrative Templates\Microsoft Outlook 2016\Miscellaneous". Du skal give Outlook add-in'ets ProgID.
Hvis du er en slutbruger eller en administrator, der foretrækker ikke at bruge gruppepolitik, kan du bruge registreringsdatabasen. For at tvinge et add-in til altid at forblive aktiveret skal du oprette følgende registreringsværdi:
Bemærk registreringsstien under outlook 16.0. Her skal du bruge 15.0 hvis du har Outlook fra 2013 eller ældre.
Du kan læse mere om dette på Microsofts hjemmeside.